“Therefore, as you received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk with Him, rooted and built up in Him and established in the faith, just as you were taught, abounding in thanksgiving.”
Colossians 2:6-7
Sunday School:
9:30 a.m.
Sunday Morning Worship:
10:40 a.m.
Sunday Evening Worship:
5:00 p.m.
About First Scots Presbyterian Church of Beaufort
Who We AreWe’re Presbyterian. We’re Reformed. But most fundamentally, we’re Christians who profess our need for a Savior and have found life in Jesus Christ, identity and purpose in the God of the Bible, and community among His people.Listen to a SermonSunday MorningsWe use a very simple order of worship that prioritizes the glory and presence of God. Our bulletin includes instructions for each part of the worship service, and we give careful directions throughout the service to help visitors feel at ease. The service generally lasts about an hour.Watch a Worship ServiceNew Here?We realize visiting a new church is not always easy. We want you to feel welcome and comfortable at First Scots. Explore this page to get to know us better, and click below for more information. What to ExpectInquirer’s ClassLearn more what First Scots is all about. This three-weekend class is a requirement before membership, but going through the class does not obligate you to join.Ask About the Next Class
What We Believe
Every church has its own specific convictions and traditions. In some cases, we’ll share some of those beliefs and practices with other churches. Recognizing that first and foremost we’re defined by our relationship to Christ and faith in His saving work, there are certain ways that that faith is expressed in our church. In order to best summarize who we are, we could be described as a Biblical, Confessional, Reformed, Presbyterian church. Hover over the photos below to learn more about what that means.
We believe the Bible gives us everything we need to know for life and godliness. We trust that, by the protection and provision of the Holy Spirit, the Bible is the inspired, inerrant, infallible, living, and active Word of God. It is our primary means for feeding the saints and reaching the lost.
While the Scriptures alone are our authority in the Church, we do also accept the subordinate standards of the Westminster Confession of Faith and Catechisms (1646). In addition, we believe and publicly confess historic Christian creeds.
We refer to ourselves as Reformed because as a church we are theological and historical descendants of the Protestant Reformation, which saw a reform of worship, government, piety, and practice of nearly every part of Christianity. Furthermore, we are Reformed because we hold to a high view of called, trained, and ordained leadership in the life of the local church.
We believe that Presbyterianism is an accurate understanding of what the Bible teaches regarding the organization and structure of a church. The word Presbyterian is derived from the Greek word for elder (presbuteros), the position of spiritual oversight in the church.
Our Statement of Faith
What we believe is nothing new or novel. We hold to the historic Christian beliefs that Christ’s church has held for literally thousands of years. While we are strongly Presbyterian in our doctrine, government, and practice, we do acknowledge and warmly embrace our brothers and sisters of other backgrounds who also accept the free offer of the Gospel as presented to us in the Scriptures. Read our entire Statement of Faith by clicking below.
Our Denomination
First Scots is part of the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA). The PCA was organized by a constitutional assembly in 1973 when it separated from the Presbyterian Church in the United States (PCUSA) in opposition to theological liberalism, which denied the deity of Jesus Christ and the inerrancy of scripture.
The PCA is a denomination that’s strongly committed to evangelism, missionary work at home and abroad, and to Christian education in the local church. You can read more about the PCA at their website
Our Service of Worship
We use a very simple order of worship that seeks to experience both the glory and the presence of God.
Our bulletin includes instructions for each part of the worship service, including words for any songs, creeds, or prayers that we will participate in together as a congregation. We also aim to give careful directions throughout the service in order to help visitors feel at ease.
Learn about some of our key principles of worship by hovering over the photos below:
Means of Grace
The reading and preaching of the word — and prayer — are essential parts of every worship service at First Scots. We partake in the sacrament of The Lord’s Supper every first Sunday morning and every third Sunday evening – and we administer baptisms in coordination with families and individuals who are members of our church.
Regulative Principle of Worship
We simply believe corporate worship should be done according to God’s directives in scripture. We don’t seek to add elements based on our preferences or cultural trends.
Integrated Worship
Children are always welcome in our worship services and are encouraged to be there! Parents with small children are also welcome to use our Worshipers in Training room, whenever necessary, where they can watch the service while tending to their child.
The Lord’s Day
Sundays are the pinnacle of our week at First Scots. We begin each Lord’s Day with a morning worship service, and end it with an evening worship service, including a hymn sing. We invite you to join us at either service — or both!
Our History
In 2012, a core group of people began gathering to discuss the need of a new, conservative Presbyterian church in Beaufort. Their desire was to begin a church that would emphasize, above all else, utter reliance upon the Bible. This group initially decided to begin an independent Presbyterian church, and thus First Scots Independent Presbyterian Church of Beaufort was born. In God’s providence, the group reached out to the Independent Presbyterian Church of Savannah for support. From the beginning, the pastors at Independent Presbyterian Church encouraged the Beaufort group to consider entering a denomination rather than staying independent, and specifically, they encouraged the group to consider the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA). Of this relationship, a partnership was born between the Beaufort core group and The Independent Presbyterian Church of Savannah.
From this partnership, a provisional session was formed in order to provide leadership and direction for the new congregation. The session consisted of John Gatch, Pierre McGowan, Wilson McIntosh, and Pat Garrett of Beaufort, as well as Ed Forester, Bob Dykema, Joe Van Puffelen, and Don McLaurin of Savannah. Pastors Terry Johnson and Ron Parrish of Savannah were integral in leading this session.
In 2013, Alex Mark (a native of Beaufort and graduate of Reformed Theological Seminary in Charlotte) was hired by Independent Presbyterian Church in Savannah as an intern and was charged with leading the new mission church plant in Beaufort while also maintaining some duties in Savannah. The relationship grew and Alex eventually focused his full attention on the work in Beaufort.
On February 23, 2014, a vote was taken and the congregation unanimously decided to call Alex Mark to be its first pastor and to pursue becoming a PCA church plant. Palmetto Presbytery (PCA) also voted unanimously to receive First Scots as a church plant, and Mr. Mark was subsequently examined for ordination by Palmetto Presbytery.
On August 24, 2014, Alex Mark was ordained as church planter and organizing pastor of First Scots, which subsequently became a church plant of the PCA.
In January 2017, we elected our first elders and transitioned from a church plant to a church led by our own local session.
In May 2020, we occupied our new building, located at 335 Sams Point Road, Ladys Island.
We give great thanks to God for His leading upon this church and we seek His continued blessing upon us as we seek to move forward in the future!
Our Senior Pastor
In June 2013, the Lord called Alex Mark and his family to Beaufort to serve as pastor of First Scots. The journey to Beaufort was a kind providence of God for the Marks, as Alex grew up here and has always longed to return to Beaufort. And as a third generation Beaufortonian, it is a joy for the Marks to be surrounded by their family, as well as their church family at First Scots.
The son of Larry and Robyn Mark, Alex became a Christian during college in 2003 and was called into ministry shortly thereafter. College was also where he met his wife, Stefany. After graduation, the couple spent seven years in Dillon, SC, where Alex served as Director of Christian Education at First Presbyterian Church (PCA) from 2003 until 2006. After that, he stayed in Dillon and served as Assistant Headmaster of Dillon Christian School from 2006 until 2010. He also served as Pastoral Assistant at Reedy Creek Presbyterian Church (PCA) during that time.
In the summer of 2010, God called the Mark family to seminary at Reformed Theological Seminary in Charlotte, NC. In the course of his three years of seminary, Alex served as Teaching Assistant to Dr. Douglas Kelly, a noted theologian and author, and was an intern at Sovereign Grace PCA in Charlotte.
Alex and Stefany have three sons, Joshua, Charlie and Samuel.
Alex considers his work with First Scots to be the most exciting and significant ministry in which he has served. As a pastor, he has many various duties, but he sees his primary duties as preaching the Word, spending time with church members, and praying for his congregation.
Our Associate Pastor
Steve Walton and his wife, Hilary, came to Beaufort in late 2019, accepting a call as Assistant Pastor of First Scots. For the seven years prior, the Walton family lived in Stuttgart, Germany, where Steve was a church planter with Ministry to the Military and Internationals.
Steve was raised in a Christian home and made a profession of faith early in childhood , but was converted during his first year of college. He has been a member of the Presbyterian Church in America since 1988. Following graduate school, he served on active duty in the U.S. Army for six years. Then, he taught for nine years in a Christian school. In 2008, Steve and his family relocated to the upstate of South Carolina, where he received his ministerial training at Greenville Presbyterian Theological Seminary.
Steve and Hilary have been married since 1994, and they have two adult sons, Sam (married to Leanna) and Branch. In 2021, Steve was called and elected to Associate Pastor of First Scots.
Our Session

Michael Moore
Michael has served as an elder at First Scots since 2022. Michael and his wife Laura have been members of First Scots since 2018 and he has served as a Ruling Elder since 2022. They first met at their church in Austin, Texas and they have known each other for over 30 years. Both attended college in Annapolis, MD; Michael at the United States Naval Academy and Laura at St. John’s College. After graduation in May 2004, they were married and began a life of service together after Michael was commissioned as a Second Lieutenant in the United States Marine Corps. Michael and Laura moved various places as he trained to become an F/A-18 pilot, and in 2008, the Marine Corps moved their family to Beaufort. Having determined to make the Low Country their home, Michael left active service in 2014 to spend more time with his family and begin civilian employment. Since leaving the Marine Corps, Michael has worked in the Office of the President, Gulfstream Aerospace Corporation, as an F-35 simulator instructor, and currently serves as an international, wide-body Airline Pilot with Atlas Air. Michael also remains in service as a Lieutenant Colonel in the United States Marine Corps Reserves flying the UC-12M for Marine Corps Air Station Beaufort. Michael and his wife Laura have five children: Samuel, Evangeline, Anna, Abigail, and Caleb.
Mark Senn
Mark has served as an elder on the First Scots session since 2016. For 14 years, he worked as the director of LifeFit at Beaufort Memorial Hospital. Since retiring from the health care industry, he is now a home inspector with his wife, Elaine, to whom he’s been married for more than 31 years. They make their home on Lady’s Island. Mark and Elaine have two children, Meaghan and Jason.
Bo Warren
Bo was born in Mooresville, North Carolina. His father, an aviator in WWII, moved the family to Easly, South Carolina, for a job opportunity. This is where Bo was raised and educated, and it’s where, as a boy, he came to know Christ. Bo was exposed to medicine when he worked at Easley Baptist Hospital as an orderly when he was a teenager. It was the Warrens’ family doctor who encouraged Bo to further his education at Wofford College. After graduating there with a biology degree, he attended the Medical University of South Carolina, where he received his MD. Bo was accredited by the American Board of radiology in 1980, with a specialty in diagnostic radiology. He worked for 23 years at Anderson Radiology, specializing in breast disease, and at Hampton Medical Center for 13 years, specializing in diagnostic radiology. Bo retired in 2018 and now enjoys fishing, boating and walking. He lives on Cat Island with his wife, Kat, and daughter, Addie.
Ron Woernle
In December 1970, Ron was transferred to MCAS, Beaufort, as a Radar Intercept Officer. Married just three weeks earlier, he and his wife, Lois, began what would be an incredible life journey in the Lowcountry — now spanning over 50 years. In 1990, the Woernles were introduced to the Reformed faith at the Independent Presbyterian Church in Savannah, which over 20 years later, called our pastor, Alex Mark, to the Beaufort plant. The Woernles followed soon afterward, and Ron has been on the session since its inception. Ron also currently chairs the Missions & Outreach Committee.
Our Diaconate

David Purser
David was installed as a deacon in January of 2018. He and his wife Sally are part of the First Scots Missions and Outreach Committee and also assist in leading our Fired Up Youth Ministry. They have three children: Lilli, Noah, and Corrie Grace.
Geoff Back
Geoff was installed as a deacon in October of 2022. He and his wife, Amy, serve in many areas of the church, including office volunteers, bulletin production, and social media management. They have two daughters, Sarah (married to Thomas) and Haley, as well as two precious grandchildren.