“Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name
of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.”
Matthew 28:19
Sunday School:
9:30 a.m.
Sunday Morning Worship:
10:40 a.m.
Sunday Evening Worship:
5:00 p.m.
The Ministries of First Scots
Prayer Ministry
Prayer is one of the primary means of grace our Lord has given us. Each of our worship services incorporates numerous prayers – including the Lord’s Prayer, which we recite and pray as a congregation.
Additionally, our membership is sent a weekly list of prayer concerns within our congregation –
and throughout our community, nation, and world – that they might pray about throughout the week in their personal and family prayer time. Each Wednesday evening, we gather at 6 p.m. in the fellowship hall for a weekly prayer service. This time includes a devotional, discussion of prayer concerns impacting the church, community, and members, and a time of prayer.
Book Ministry
First Scots’ Book Ministry enables our congregation to purchase solid Christian literature at deeply discounted prices. Alongside the teaching of the Word, these books can supplement your learning and be great tools on your Christian walk.
Use the link here to see what books we have in stock at the church.

Prayer Ministry
Prayer is one of the primary means of grace our Lord has given us. It is also essential to how we operate and do life as a church.

Book Ministry
Christian education through sound, quality books is a blessing to our members and visitors alike.
Sunday School
We believe that a solid, Biblical foundation is integral to the life of any church, and therefore we offer a Sunday School program that is intended to help people of all ages grow in their knowledge and love of God and their familiarity with His Word. A regular diet of Sunday School and worship services at First Scots are a wonderful aid in your discipleship and will give you the tools you need in order to grow in your faith. For children, we offer three Sunday School classes…Kindergarden-2nd grade, 3rd-5th grade and 6th-8th grade. 9th grades and above attend our adult Sunday School classes.
We typically offer one or two adult Sunday School classes and these are for all members and visitors.

Sunday School for Children
We currently offer Sunday school classes for grades K thru 8th. We will be happy to show you to the right classrooms for your children.

Sunday School for Adults
We typically offer two classes for adults. High School students are welcomed in our adult Sunday School classes. These classes are held in the sanctuary and/or fellowship hall.
Adult Bible Studies
Morning and evening Bible studies are available throughout the week. These are great opportunities to dive deeper into God’s word, while also growing alongside men and women of the church.
Email us, or check your Sunday bulletin to see what’s currently available.

Men’s Bible Study
We have morning and evening Bible studies for men. For more information on dates, times, and topics, keep an eye on our bulletin, or contact the church office at admin@firstscotsbeaufort.org.

Women’s Bible Study
We offer weekly morning and evening Bible studies for women. For more information on dates, times, and topics, keep an eye on our bulletin, or contact the church office at admin@firstscotsbeaufort.org.
Young Disciples
Children are just as important as any other congregant. We minister to them and their families so they can grow in the love of Christ and, Lord willing, know Him all their years.

Worshipers in Training
Parents of infants and small children can feel free to use our Worshipers in Training (WIT) room at any time during the worship service. The WIT room is a comfortable place to tend to your child, while also still being able to watch the service.

Children age 4 and under are invited to attend nursery for both Sunday School and worship, where they can play and learn under the care of nursery leaders. You may also choose to keep your child with you in the worship service, or make use of our WIT room.

Children’s Sunday School
We offer three Sunday School classes for children: one for K-2nd grade, one for 3rd-5th grade and one for 6th-8th grade. Teenagers are encouraged to attend adult Sunday School.

Fired Up! Junior High and High School Ministry
On the 2nd and 4th Sundays, at 6PM, all 6th-12th grade students are welcome to join us for dinner, games, a lesson from Scripture and some great fellowship!
Local, National & International Ministries
Our members give of their time, talents and resources to help meet the physical and spiritual needs of people in our community and beyond. These ministries include Holy Trinity Classical Christian School, Radiance Women’s Center, Child Evangelism Fellowship, and Operation Christmas Child through Samaritan’s Purse.

We participate in the spread of the gospel of Jesus Christ by helping missionaries with financial, material, and prayer support. We currently support missionaries in Honduras, Okinawa, Italy and Germany.

Ministry Leadership
Meet some of our ministry leaders. All ministry leaders serve under a member of our session. If you’d like to know more about a particular area of ministry at First Scots, please contact us at admin@firstscotsbeaufort.org.

Life at First Scots
Contact Us
335 Sams Point Road
Beaufort, SC 29907
(843) 379-0134