“Therefore, welcome one another as Christ has welcomed you, for the glory of God.”
Romans 15:7
Sunday School:
9:30 a.m.
Sunday Morning Worship:
10:40 a.m.
Sunday Evening Worship:
5:00 p.m.
What to Expect When You Visit First Scots
We realize visiting a new church is not always easy. The people, the worship style, and the facility can all be overwhelming and confusing if it’s new to you.
We want you to feel welcome and comfortable at First Scots. This page is our attempt to show you around before you even arrive. Hover over the photos below to learn more about a typical Lord’s Day at First Scots.
We look forward to worshiping with you!

Our Facility
We have ample parking, and are wheelchair accessible. The main doors to the church are open at least 15 minutes before every service. Our elders and deacons will be there greeting members and visitors alike. If you need help finding a seat; they’re happy to help you!
We have devices for those who are hearing impaired.

Service of Worship
During the service, we use a very simple order of worship. Our bulletin includes instructions for each part of the service, including words for any songs, creeds, or prayers. The service generally lasts about an hour. We also have evening worship every Sunday at 5 p.m. this service is less formal and begins with a hymn sign.
We have devices for those who are hearing impaired.

Children at First Scots
We welcome children! Our worship services are integrated, meaning worshipers of every age join together. Click below to learn how we as a church serve children and their parents.

Sunday School
We offer Sunday school classes for adults and children. Sign up for our mailing list to stay up-to-date on class schedules.
How to Go Deeper
Often, entering a new church can feel slow and difficult. As a newcomer, you may worry you’re an outsider. Let’s change that! We want you to know the love of God more fully by knowing the love of Christ’s church and being a part of our local body of believers. We want you to know us and feel known by us.
There are a number of ways to get to know First Scots better and to allow the First Scots family to get to know you.

Morning Worship & Sunday School
This is the most natural way to know others and be known. We offer classes for adults and children, and all are welcome to talk and fellowship after worship if they feel comfortable doing so.

Bible Studies & Fellowship
We have men’s and women’s Bible studies throughout the week. This is a great opportunity to connect while growing in God’s word. We also host several group and church-wide fellowship events

Inquirer’s Classes
A few times a year, we hold a three-week class for those who’re interested in becoming a member of First Scots. This is a requirement before membership, but going through the class does not obligate you to join.

Our Newsletter
The easiest way to stay informed about weekly updates on ministry, events, worship details, and more is to receive our weekly Newsletter. Click below to sign up: