August 2024 Recommended Reads
Dear Saints,
2 Peter 3:18 says, “But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To him be the glory both now and to the day of eternity. Amen.” The chief way that we do this is through the study of God’s Word. I hope that, if you are taking time to read only one thing, it is your priority to mine the riches that exist in each and every verse of Scripture.
Another way that God grows us up in the grace and knowledge of Christ is through reading good Christian books. Books written by faithful and insightful authors offer us profound wisdom, encouragement, and guidance rooted in Scripture. They challenge us to think more deeply about our beliefs, help us to live out our faith more fully, and give us greater glimpses of the beauty and glory of Christ. As we study solid books, we are equipped to better navigate the complexities of life with a steadfast and informed faith, enriching our communion with God and our collective strength as a church family.
Each month, I share a list of recommended reads that may be a blessing to your souls. Peruse the following list and perhaps select a book or two that might be an encouragement to your soul.
Christian Living: The best book I read last month was Michael Reeves’ excellent little (only 84 pages!) book entitled Preaching: A God-Centered Vision. It’s no exaggeration to say this book is the most important work I’ve read about preaching…but should a non-preacher take the time to read it? I commended the book to Sarah Mangum, who wrote the following review:
It seemed odd to me to read a “how-to” book on preaching since I am not, nor do I aspire to be, a preacher. After reading Preaching: A God-Centered Vision I am becoming a better listener and actively looking for Christ to show up in our worship services. It has also pushed me to prayer both for forgiveness for my frequent lukewarmness and for growth in my walk of faith.
Devotional: John Calvin was one of the great theologians that the Lord has given the Church. Sadly, he has been caricatured as a cold, aloof doctrinalist, though anyone who holds such a view has clearly never read Calvin. If you’d like a great entry point for reading Calvin’s writings, some of his warmest and most beautiful love for the Triune God comes across in either his Little Book on the Christian Life or a daily devotional based on his writing in the Psalms, entitled Heart Aflame.
Theology: Dr. JI Packer was one of the most influential reformed Christians of the past century. He had a gift for taking complex theological truths and putting them into a digestible, bite-sized package. I’ve always kept a copy of Packer’s Concise Theology close at hand as a great tool for both understanding and explaining what we believe.
Kids: For children who enjoy good stories, Christian Focus has a wonderful series called “Trailblazers” that chronicles the lives of Christians whom God has used throughout the years.
As always, while I recommend these books, it doesn’t mean that I recommend everything in all of these books. Always read with discernment, that your soul may be nurtured and grow in the Lord Jesus.
Finally, remember the words of Charles Spurgeon: “Visit many good books, but live in the Bible.”
With love in Christ, dear saints-
Alex Mark